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Where do you see yourself in five years? Let’s all agree, that this is a dumb question. So why do they even ask about your five-year plan? Well, there’s a little more to the question than just...
We all know that the first impression is vital. Those first thirty seconds are going to really set the bar for how the interviewer sees you. Now sure, the first thirty seconds isn't the end all be...
"Tell me about yourself!" The question seems cliché, but it’s cliché for a reason because it is still the question asked at every single interview. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably...
Anybody can talk about what skills they have and how they’re better than everybody else. But there's one simple thing you can add to your interview responses that nobody else is doing, and that’s...
Why Should We Hire You – The Quintessential Interview Question
Why Should We Hire You? - Youtube Video I think we all know that "why should we hire you" is THE question in an interview. It's not even just one of the most common questions, but the core essence...
Why Do You Want This Job - YouTube Video When we're looking for a new job, sometimes we get carried away and apply to several just to see what happens. We're told to cast a wide net right?...